Interactive story with cushions full of Tangram challenges.

What are we going to do in the workshop?

The narrator tells a story with square-shaped cushions or isosceles rectangle triangle (half square) and occasionally stops to pose a challenge that spectators from 5 to 8 years old have to solve with the pillows.

The story is full of challenges so that everyone can go out several times and try to solve them. In the end, children can make ways that colleagues have to guess.

More information about the activity

Needs of spaces and materials

  • A minimum stage of 2×4 m is required separated by a rope (or equivalent) of the stalls.
  • Children in the front row will be sitting on the floor, those in the back can sit in chairs 
  • It takes a few minutes to prepare the stage.

Learning objectives

  • Use geometric vocabulary.
  • Relate 2D and 3D figures according to their properties.
  • Associate the geometric shapes of objects in daily life.
  • Develop knowledge and analysis of the characteristics and properties of figures of three and two dimensions; locate and describe spatial relations; identify and apply geometric transformations, and use visualization and geometric models to solve problems
  • Express mathematical ideas and processes in an understandable way using verbal language
  • Use the different representations of concepts and relationships to mathematically express a situation.
  • Show attitudes of active respect towards the people, their ideas, options, beliefs and the cultures that make them up.


  • Identification of three-dimensional and flat figures.
  • Observation and identification of different elements of the environment.
  • Relate them to the figures created.
  • Assessment of the rules governing coexistence in social groups.
  • Observation and recognition of similarities and differences in objects: color, size, size and other properties (position, orientation, rotation).
  • Experimentation of actions that cause changes in the situation of objects by anticipating and comparing the results.
  • Comparison of objects to recognize patterns, verbalize regularities and make anticipations.
  • Situation of objects in space, recognizing the position they occupy. Orientation.
  • Use of strategies to solve situations that require mathematical knowledge.
  • Verbalization of processes and evaluation of results.
  • Use of drawing as a means of representation: observation of reality, processes, changes (can be done after the session).
  • Location and description of spatial relations.
  • Identification and application of geometric transformations.
  • Learn to be and to think autonomously.
  • Learn to live together.

Evaluation criteria

  • Participate in the game with a progressive understanding of the need for rules.
  • Apply strategies to compare, classify, recognize patterns and verbalize it.
  • Show attitudes of active respect towards people.
  • Use numbers (cardinals) to count sides, pillows...
  • Find similarities and differences between the formed figures.
  • Understand situations-problem. Undertake the resolution autonomously and express the solution and the process followed.
  • Use trial-error to find solutions to problems and scans.
  • Communicate orally knowledge and mathematical processes carried out.
  • Define the situation of an object in space and a displacement in relation to oneself, using the concepts: front-behind; near-distance; top-down; right-left.
  • Identify, analyse and describe objects and spaces with three-dimensional and flat geometric shapes. Look for similarities and differences between two figures.
  • Show an adequate level of emotional management in the relationship with others in everyday activities.
  • Act with creativity and critical capacity.
  • Respect the characteristics of others and listen and respect their opinions.
  • Accept and practice the norms of coexistence and civic habits.

Basic competences


Specific to living together and inhabiting the world



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