Manipulative workshop where we will build polyhedres with balloons and other materials

What are we going to do in the workshop?

Using thin and long balloons and other materials (rolled paper, string, elastic cord, rods) the construction of different polyhedars is proposed. Balloons are attractive but their handling can be a problem, so the alternative material has been planned to perform, if necessary, exactly the same constructions. Participants will have to explore how to link balloons or rods to obtain from the initial linear material of a dimension, the two-dimensional figures (polygons) and the three-dimensional figures (polyheders). We work on vocabulary, recognition of forms, essay-error, spatial vision and reflection on the work done. The guidelines and indications of each step ensure that everyone can solve the constructions. The fact of using the particular properties of each polyhedre guarantees an understanding of the characteristics of each of them. The polyhedars that are built, tetrahedre, cube, octahedre, icosahedr and dodecaedre are a spectacular and rewarding result. 

More information about the activity

Needs of spaces and materials

It is necessary a classroom or a space with tables and chairs, slate, computer and projector.

Learning objectives

  • See mathematics in a much more playful context.
  • Enjoy mathematics and enhance the mathematical conversation.
  • Build and manipulate geometric bodies.
  • Know its elements.


  • Geometric figures: elements, characteristics and properties: faces, edges, vertices.
  • Composition, and creation of three-dimensional and flat figures with physical supports.
  • Understanding the relationships between different figures of two and three dimensions.
  • Interpretation of number-based definitions the properties of figures: angles, faces, sides, surfaces...
  • Elaboration of conjectures on geometric properties.

Evaluation criteria

  • Identify, recognize, analyse and describe objects and spaces with flat and three-dimensional geometric shapes.
  • Classify the figures and bodies, according to geometric characteristics (vertices, sides, angles, faces, edges, diagonals...)
  • Correctly express construction procedures and results.

Basic competences


Specific to living together and inhabiting the world



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