
Mathematical experiences

The exhibition "Mathematical Experiences"   is located on the second floor of the Mercader Palace in the Can Mercader park in Cornellà de Llobregat.

Virtual tour of the Museum

L’amic Antoni Gomà ens ha fet aquest magnífic escape room virtual amb reptes interactius que cap respondre per sortir.
Us atreviu a entrar-hi? 

Descobriu els edificis, la seva història, la natura, els serveis i les activitats que acull el parc de Can Mercader a través de la web de l’exposició REDESCOBRINT CAN MERCADER

Exhibition halls

The rooms of the Museum of Mathematics of Catalonia are dedicated to various personalities from both the world of didactics and the dissemination of mathematics and classical antiquity.
One of the slogans of the MMACA is "Forbidden NOT to touch" with which we encourage visitors to play and experiment with the exposed materials.

second floor

Lobby, shop and planet earth

Optical illusions and mirrors

Geometry, curves, polyheders and inductive formulas

Calculation and number of gold

Combinatorics, tiling and Leonardo bridge.

Statistics and probability

Ground floor

Space for the first years of primary school

Visit us

Cost of entry 

The price of the ticket (without reservation) is voluntary, at the end of the visit you will have an urn where you can leave what you think is convenient.

Thank you very much for supporting us !

For what ages?

Everyone is in time to discover and enjoy the challenges and mathematics that we propose.

Group activities are designed from 6 years old.


Check it out before coming

Except for holidays and incidents of force majeure, we open every Wednesday from 5 to 8 p.m. and Sundays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
 On Sundays it is preferable to book, as we encourage capacitylimitation.
We will keep this calendar updated as much as possible, please check it out.

Book your ticket or Sunday workshop

If you want to come and see the Cornellà exhibition of the MMACA for free, you can do it every Wednesday from 17 to 20 and on Sundays from 10 to 14.
On Sundays, you can also book the Leonardo dome workshop from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Book free entry to the exhibition

The space has a limit of 70 people that is often reached on Sundays. In order to correctly manage the influx, the ticket entitles you to visit the exhibition during one of the shifts:

  • from 10:00 to 11:15
  • from 11:20 to 12:35
  • from 12:40 to 13:55

Book the Sunday dome workshop

Every Sunday you can participate in this workshop designed from the youngest to the grandparents. It consists of building, using a single model of cane, different models of structures. At the end, you can enter the dome as if it were a hut or igloo or lift it up and move it.

The price is € 5 per person, but you can enjoy a 50% discount thanks to the Baix Llobregat Tourism Consortium. 

To obtain the 50% discount you must download the coupon on the Tourism website of Baix Llobregat, and at the time of booking enter the promotional code.  

Permanent exhibition location 

Can Mercader Park

Museum of Mathematics of Catalonia

Can Mercader Palace
Hospitalet Road, s/n
08940 Cornellà de Llobregat

How to get there

By metro

Take Metro Line 5 to Gavarra station and walk 700 metres to Palau Mercader

Railways of the Generalitat

Take FCG Line S4 (also called L8) to Almeda station
walk 600 m to the Mercader Palace

Private transport

For the rounds of Barcelona you go out for number 15 of the Ronda de Dalt. Immediately from leaving, you can already park in the first place you find free.

activities for groups

The MMACA offers different activities for schools and institutes, from 1st of Primary to Baccalaureate. Guided tours, workshops and gymkhanas, adapted to all levels. Many of these activities are also available for summer camps that want to come and visit the MMACA. We also have special services for teachers, carried out both in mmaca itself and in your center. 

penrouse_visita_cornella modulator

For school groups

Summer camp visits

For teachers and other groups