Casal d'estiu del MMACA 2024
Del 25 de juny al 12 de juliol
The camp is aimed at all those children from 6 to 12 years old (1st to 6th grade of primary school), who like challenges, adventures and surprises. From the house we work with an experiential and manipulative methodology, where the most theoretical perspective is left aside and put into practice in everyday contexts or in recreational activities. We do it from games, workshops and gymkhanas in Can Mercader park, as well as in the visit to the museum and the morning of the pool. All the activities have mathematical content and revolve around a thematic thread in order to perform challenges based on objectives and, thus, achieve greater motivation.
Les places s’omplen ràpidament, no espereu al darrer dia!
El preu per setmana és de 110€ la primera setmana (4 dies) i 135€ la 2a i 3a setmana
La inscripció de més d’una setmana té un descompte del 10%.
La inscripció de dos o més germans una setmana te també un descompte del 10%. Si la inscripció és per més d’una setmana per dos o més germans del 15%.
El servei d’acollida (per un mínim de 5 infants) de les 8 a les 9h té un preu de 4€/dia
Preinscripció oberta.
Per tal de fer la preinscripció al casal heu d’emplenar aquest formulari.
In a few days you will receive the answer by mail with the authorization forms and the payment instructions. To confirm the registration, you will need to send us the proof of payment, as well as the completed and signed authorization forms.
Before the start of the Casal, it will also be necessary to send it to MMACA: photocopies of the vaccine card, health care card and ID (if any).
Calendar and timetable
El casal dura tres setmanes i l’horari és de 9 a 13:30 h.
Si hi ha un mínim de 5 infants hi haurà servei d’acollida matinal de 8 a 9h
- Setmana 1: del 25 al 28 de juny
- Setmana 2: de l’1 al 5 de juliol
- Setmana 3: del 8 al 12 de juliol
Sanitary indications:
We comply with all the requirements necessary to be able to make the summer camp, always taking into account the measures established by the health authorities.
Museum of Mathematics and Can Mercader Park
Carretera Hospitalet, s/n Parc de Can Mercader, Palau Mercader, 08940, Cornellà de Llobregat
Do you have any questions? Ask us for more details and clarifications
Telefona al +34 665233448 o vine al museu, tenim obert de dilluns a divendres de 9:30 a 14h, dimecres tarda de 17 a 20h i diumenges de 10 a 14h.
També us podeu adreçar a o bé omplir el formulari d’aquesta pàgina.
Photographs of the 2022 summer camp

Pictures of the house 2019
