Activities for school groups in the MMACA of CORNELLÀ
The activities for groups that we arrange in the permanent exhibition of Cornellà de Llobregat have two lines: one focused on groups between 1st and 4th grade of primary education (6-10 years) and another for groups from 5th grade of primary school (from more than ten years until adults). The content and shape of the activities are adapted to the age and level of the group.
Obertes les reserves per visites escolars pel curs 2024-2025
for children
For students from 1st to 4th grade of primary we offer the guided tour "Small mathematical experiences" and the workshops "Let's discover geometry" and "Let's build polyminous".
Visita guiada A la Sala de la Planta baixa del Museu
- From 1st to 4th grade of primary school
- Groups of 25 students maximum
- Duration: 1h 15 min
- Preu (curs 23-24): 90€ per grup
Activitat a la Sala Taller
- 1st and 2nd year of Primary Education
- Groups of 25 students maximum
- Duration: 1h 15 min
- Preu (curs 23-24): 80€ per grup
We will work in small groups manipulating pieces of wood in polygonal shapes. We will identify the pieces, study their characteristics, combine them to create new geometric shapes.
- 3rd and 4th year of Primary Education
- Groups of 25 students maximum
- Duration: 1h 15 min
- Preu (curs 23-24): 80€
We will build the pentominous, figures formed by 5 squares, we will discover how many there are. We will combine them forming rectangles and other figures, we will investigate its perimeter and its surface.
for grown-ups
For students over 10 years old to adults, we offer the guided tour "Mathematical experiences", the workshop "Leonardo's domes" and the "Mathematical Gymkhana".
- 5th and 6th grade of primary, secondary school, baccalaureate and others
- Groups of 30 students maximum
- Durada: 1h 15 min (es pot concertar una visita més llarga)
- Preu (curs 23-24): 90€ per grup
- 5th and 6th grade of primary, secondary school, baccalaureate and others
- Groups of 30 students maximum
- Durada: 1h 45 min, de 9:00 a 10:45 o de 12:30 a 14:15.
- Cal reservar la 1a i/o 3a franja i anotar a comentaris que voleu la visita ampliada.
- Preu (curs23-24): 120€
- 5th and 6th grade of primary, secondary school, baccalaureate and others
- Groups of 30 students maximum
- Duration: 1h 15min
- Preu (curs 23-24): 80€ per grup
- 5th and 6th grade of primary, secondary school, baccalaureate and others
- Groups of 30 students maximum
- Duration: 1h 15 min
- Preu (curs 23-24): 80€ per grup
Informació a tenir en compte
- En horari escolar, les sales del museu no es poden visitar per lliure. Per entrar-hi cal reservar les visites guiades. Si reserveu sols tallers i gimcanes sense reservar visita no podreu entrar al museu, ni tan sols com visita lliure.
Discounts and special prices
- Si sou un centre de màxima complexitat tindreu un 30% de descompte en totes les activitats. Heu de posar el codi "maxcom" a la pantalla de finalització de la comanda.
- Si voleu fer la visita o taller en anglès o francès, l'activitat tindrà un cost de 30 € addicionals. Ho heu d'indicar a les notes de la comanda.
Indicacions per la visita al MMACA
800 meters from the museum:
2 Km from the museum:
750 meters from the museum:
500 meters of the museum: