Mathematical objects made of 3D printing.

3D printers are no longer a foreign object in schools and institutes, allowing them to manufacture with great precision, geometric objects, games, tangrams or puzzles.

They are an opportunity to enrich the didactic collections of the centers and at the same time allow to physically carry out works and projects of the students. 

We collect on this page, the objects created by us. You can freely download the files and print them. 


SCAD files are used by free openscad 3D modeling software. They allow the modification and personalization of the model. 


STL files are a standard used by all 3D printers. In fact, they are a text file with the list of triangles of the three-dimensional triangular network that forms the surface of the object.

Instant sums

These prisms, apparently with random figures, allow to instantly make the sum of the 5 numbers of 4 digits that can be formed with them, whatever the order of the prisms or the chosen face.

The articulated Pythagoras theorem

The 4 articulated pieces allow on one side to form the two squares corresponding to the sides of the rectangle triangle of the base and on the other hand form the square corresponding to the hypotenuse.

Archimedes Cup

This cup allows to check how the water that fills the top (half sphere), also fills exactly the space between the cylinder and the cone at the bottom.

Because the cone volume is one-third of the volume of the cylinder, this space is 2/3·R³

The volume of the sphere is therefore double, as indicated by its well-known formula 4/3·R³

Three non-transferive tetraeddrical dice

These 3 dice with the following numbering: blue 6,3,3,3;  yellow 1,4,4,4 and red 5,5,2,2 are an example that the probability of removing a higher value is not a order relationship. They are part of the MMACA exhibition.


The two dual tetraetraeres of the Kaleidoscope 3-3-3-3

This is a materialization of the virtual image obtained by putting two perpendicular pieces (red and green) on the kaleidoscope 3-3-3-3 .

They are the two dual tetraahs of each other that form the octangle star or stella octangula

The cube and the octaheder of the kaleidoscope 3-4-3-4

This is a materialization of the virtual image that is obtained by putting two perpendicular pieces (red and blue) on the kaleidoscope 3-4-3-4 .

It is the cube (pink) and the dual octahedron (sky blue) of each other.

The icosaedre and the dodecaedre of the kaleidoscope 3-5-3-5

This is a materialization of the virtual image that is obtained by putting two perpendicular pieces (red and green) on the kaleidoscope 3-5-3-5 .

It is the icosaedron (red) and the dual dodecaedron (green) of the other.

The rhombotic dodecaedre and the cubooctahedre of the kaleidoscope 3-5-3-5

This is a materialization of the virtual image that is obtained by putting two pieces (red and blue) on the kaleidoscope 3-5-3-5 .

It is the rhombobic dodecaedron (blue) and the cubooctahedron (red). They are dual to each other, their edges are perpendicular. Since they are not regular polyheders, the intersection of the edges is not at its midpoint.