Our corporate documentation
The constituent session of the association was held on December 3, 2008, in this session its statutes were approved.
The Association was born and operates as a non-profit organization in accordance with law 49/2002
In 2012, the MMACA Association was declared of public utility.
Legally, the Museum of Mathematics of Catalonia is an association registered in the Registry of the Department of Justice with the number 38567-J/1 under the name ofAssociation to promote and create a Museum of Mathematics in Catalonia (MMACA).
MMACA Organization
According to the statutes, the governing bodies of the association are the General Assembly and the Board of Directors
At the meeting of the General Assembly of 16 February 2022, the Board of Directors was constituted as follows:
• President: Pura Fornals Sánchez (pura.fornals@mmaca.cat)
• Vice Presidents:
Jose Rey Cano (jose.rey.cano@mmaca.cat)
Joaquim Tarradas Isern (quim.tarradas@mmaca.cat )
Carlos Luna Mota(carlos.luna@mmaca.cat )
Enric Brasó Campderrós (enric.braso@mmaca.cat)
• Treasurer: Sergio Belmonte Palmero (sergio.belmonte@mmaca.cat)
•Secretary: Santi Estopà Mulet (santi.estopa@mmaca.cat)
• Board member: Gabriel Murcia Cedeño (gabi.murcia@mmaca.cat)
They are also honorary members of the board in Josep Rey Nadal (josep.rey@mmaca.cat), Guido Ramellini (guido.ramellini@mmaca.cat) and Manuel Udina Abelló (manuel.udina@mmaca.cat)
Board resulting from the 2019 assembly
In addition to the meetings of the Board and the different committees, a monthly meeting of partners has been established in which the topics of the moment are discussed. It is a meeting also open to MMACA collaborators and workers.
The Cornellà Committee and the Board of Directors are the bodies that make the decisions regarding MMACA contracts.