As you probably know, MMACA is at a very important point in its history. During the more than 10 years of tour, we have worked hard and the project has grown strongly. The objective of bringing mathematics closer to society is being fulfilled and we have the widespread recognition of all those who know us.
If you want to help us continue with this task, growing it with new initiatives, consolidating what we have done, extending the activities and exhibitions throughout the territory, you can collaborate in two areas:
Collaborate with a contribution of money
Become a friend of mmaca
With a minimal donation, you can become Friends of mmaca.

- You will be part of the group of friends.
- We will inform you promptly of all the activities in which we participate
- Preferential and personalized treatment.
- Podràs deduir la donació a la declaració de l'IRPF. El 80% per als primers 250€ i el 40% la resta. (*)
(*) L’Associació MMACA va ser declarada d’utilitat pública per la resolució JUS/1189/2012 i inclosa entre les entitats beneficiàries de mecenatge.
D’acord amb el que s’estableix a la la norma del 2012 modificada el 2024 les donacions realitzades per particulars, el percentatge de deducció a la declaració de l’IRPF serà del 80% per als primers 250 euros i podrà deduir-se el 40% de les quantitats que excedeixin aquest import.
Do you also want to collaborate with your voluntary work?
Be a member
We have ongoing initiatives in which a hand even if it is small will help us to make them better. You can also tell us your ideas.
We aim to collect and develop new proposals and improvements to what we do.
It is not necessary to have mathematical training, there are many areas to help:
- didactic
- communication
- artistic
- Languages
- Computer
- audiovisual
- Social networks
- design
- Creation of material
- Funding research
- and everything you can contribute
At the end of the form to become a friend you can state your intention to become members of theMMACA Association, we will welcome you and you will be able to participate in the commissions, the open monthly meetings and the annual assembly.