
Let's play with the maths!

Board games workshop for families and teachers

by Mónica Rosado and Lluís Cros

We continue the activities on Wednesdays at the MMACA with a workshop aimed at families with children from 3 to 10 years old and teachers of Early Childhood Education and Initial and Middle Cycle of Primary Education. We invite you to participate!

By Mónica Rosado (@monicarosado79) and Luis Cros (@cros_luis_77), members of the SET group (@GrupSetAbeam).

Among others, we will play Avellanas al cubo, Bata-miaou, Bugsy, Camelot jr or Chocolate fix.

SET is a didactics group of ABEAM (Barcelona Association for the study and learning of mathematics) that is dedicated to the analysis of board games that are suitable for the learning of mathematics.

Attendance to the face-to-face workshop has a cost of € 2 per person. Places are limited to 20 people.
Make your reservation in http://tiquets.mmaca.cat