Conference "The hunt for the algorithm"

Wednesday 22nd March 2023 at 18:00

Palau Mercader, Cornellà de Llobregat

  • During the closing of the MMACA permanent exhibition, some of the partners recorded some home videos, proposing activities that could be solved with the use of simple materials, such as a deck of cards. In this way, we recovered an activity that we proposed a long time ago during a fair and from which we have lost its origin and even the name: The Nearby Numbers.

This time the activity generated a discussion that grew to provoke an investigation.

Inspired by Lewis Carroll's The Hunting of the Nark, we generated The Hunt for the Algorithm, which we presented last January at the Gathering4Gardner Europe in the Azores.

Its good reception suggested that it could be fun to present this work also to the partners and friends of MMACA.

The conference will be given by:

    • Sergio Belmonte (@magiaymates), 
    • Carlos Luna (@Carlos_LunaMota) 
    • Guido Ramellini (@GuidoRamellini)

We recommend booking in advance at At the time of booking, you can make the donation you consider.

We look forward to seeing you there!


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