Hi ha 3 anelles formades per dues meitats unides amb imants

Tens dos reptes:

    • Repte 1: Uneix les tres anelles de manera que totes tres quedin lligades i que desenganxant-ne una qualsevol, les altres quedin lligades.

    • Repte 2: Uneix les tres anelles de manera que totes tres quedin lligades i que només desenganxant-ne una qualsevol, totes tres quedin lliures.


Topology, and in particular knot theory are the parts of mathematics that study the properties of geometric objects such as closed curves that are preserved under continuous deformations such as stretching, twisting, wrinkle and bending and, therefore, without making cuts, making holes, pasting or going through themselves.

Each of these three rings can be considered a closed curve. Since the simple flat representation of the blurred knot has 6 points where one curve passes over another, its notation is L6a4.

The name Borromeu

The name of this link originates from the fact that it appears in the emblem of the Italian nobility family of the Borromeo.